Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Dance Club

Last year I decided to teach a Dance Club for my after school activity. Here is my group. They danced to "Monster High" and "Waka Waka" and where a huge hit at the end of school assembly. We will do the Dance Club again this year, and with more students signing up! Monster High 2012 Dance team 2012

New Playground

Here is my class trying out the new "Spider Web" on the playgound. Here are some photos IMG_3205 IMG_3208 IMG_3214 IMG_3220 IMG_3224 IMG_3231 IMG_3232

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Confer App

I am excited about my new I Pad for teaching this year. Like many teachers, I struggle with what the best methods for keeping anecdotal records are. I am finding the Confer app to be amazing. My Reading and Writing conference notes are all in one place, organized, user friendly and easy to do! I LOVE this Confer app!!!! Check out this short video on how to use it.